Saturday, July 24, 2010

Trust (and flexibility!)

The days continue to blur together and fly by. Saturday already? That means that our planes depart in about 48 hours!

Yesterday half of the group spent the afternoon at the Impacto church building, doing some cleaning and work projects. We painted over grafetti on two of the buildings that make the entry way to the church building, we helped clean and organize the office area, we painted trim inside the building and also retiled the stairs.

We were also expecting around 15 high school and college age folks to show up for the Friday night lesson and devotional time. I had been told that I would have a chance to share whatever was on my heart with the students at that time. As it turned out, only two showed up! So instead of going over the lesson on being a "team" that we have been working our way through back home at Kairos, we just did the trust falls instead with those that were there (including the pastor Jorge as well!).

We had been talking with Leymar, and I asked her if she trusted us. She responded "yes!" Then when we told her we wanted her to do a "trust fall," she told us she "trusted us in theory!" :) But when it came right down to it she demonstrated great faith by having a bunch of gringos catch her in the trust fall.

Leymar is a great girl. Just 15 years old and only having been a Christian for a few months (her family started coming to the church recently and I think I understood that her, her mom and her grandma were all just recently baptized), she is definitely ON FIRE for Jesus. She helped lots at the VBS time last weekend, in fact she is the one with the clown nose on in most of the pictures. What a great example of what Christ is ready to do with those who are ready to live for Him!

God is still good.


  1. well, I will try one more time. I have written a few comments to encourage you on the "LEW-CREW" that we are praying for you all....however, I have been unsuccessful in posting them. (I a blog-newbie) so here goes one more attempt.

    we are so blessed by everything that has been written. I think it's cool to be hearing from different people. we know that you are being blessed and are being used by God to bless others.

    see you soon, back at Sunnyside

    'enjoy the journey'
