Thursday, July 22, 2010

Buenos dias a todos!  Good morning everyone!  Right now we're eating breakfast in the Dye's apartment. Yesterday was another workday.  Some of us worked on cleaning the apartment, and another crew painted the room where the church meets.  Carol worked very hard organizing the office area, while Dara, Diane, Alison and Amy dusted trim work and washed the walls. The men fixed drawers, glued chairs back together, worked on fixing the toilet, and were generally handy handymen. Some ladies from church came and spent hours making us a wonderful lunch. They made consume (sp?), some sort of  baked plantains, roasted tomato slices with parmesan cheese and oregano, a tasty chicken, and rice.  It was hard to concentrate on cleaning because it  smelled so great cooking.

In the evening, we enjoyed sharing with some of our Venezuelan brothers and sisters in the Wednesday prayer time.  Wade shared his thoughts about how God answers our prayers, and Amy and Lew shared their testimonies.

Right now we're getting ready to go visit a rehab center.  I better get in line for el bano.

(Mom, don't forget to pick up Meg!)

Thank you so much for your prayers!

With love from Caracas,


1 comment:

  1. Great updates. Keep up the good work, but remind Walt to keep his shirt on. The food sounds delicious. We're praying for you daily.

